Our submissions process

Here at TGLA our submissions are open from the 1st – 21st of each month and then closed from the 22nd until the end of the month. This is to allow us to stay on top of submissions in the face of a huge increase in what we are receiving while making sure that we are never closed to writers for very long. We remain committed to providing feedback to every eligible writer who submits to us.

Our submissions are therefore open each month from the 1st – 21st (unless specified differently below).

If you have any feedback on our submissions policy we are always happy to receive it.

Current response time for submissions: 12-15 weeks*

What we’re looking for

Adult Submissions

You can send us anything you want across any genre, all we ask is that it is as good as you think you can make it right now. There’s a cliché in publishing but it’s very true, “We don’t know what we’re looking for until we see it”. There are some things we are particularly looking for at the moment and also some tips we have if you’re writing in particular areas that might help your book really catch our eye.

We are really excited to read your Adult Fiction and Non-Fiction submissions. On the respective buttons below you will find our guidelines and submission forms specifically designed to help you when making your Adult Fiction or Non-Fiction submission to us. Please read our guidelines carefully before sending in your work and, if you have any questions, please do visit our FAQ page.

Children’s & YA Submissions

In all genres for readers aged eight and above, we are looking for stories for children and young adults that challenge and change the way that we think and represent the diversity of young people’s experiences.

We are not currently taking open submissions for picture books or illustrated books. This is simply because it is a very specialist market and not one we are as experienced as we would need to be to represent writers in this area.

We cannot wait to read your Children’s & YA Fiction and Non-Fiction submissions. On the respective buttons below you will find our guidelines and submission forms specifically designed to help you when making your Children’s & YA Fiction and Non-Fiction submission to us. Please read our guidelines carefully before sending in your work and, if you have any questions, please do visit our FAQ page.
